Gainsight Japanese Localization

Gainsight NXT Release Process


Gainsight releases new functionality approximately once per quarter. In addition, we also periodically release patches and emergency fixes. You can view the planned major release schedule on Gainsight’s Community, and any Maintenance & Incident updates on status.gainsight.com. We recommend following the Product News & Updates category in order to receive updates.

Note: Occasionally, we may need to delay a planned release by 1 to 2 weeks, in order to deliver the highest quality product. We will communicate the date change via the Community [if any].

Release Timing & Queue Impact

Gainsight is moving from a 6-week release cadence to a quarterly release cadence. The estimated time when these changes will go into effect is with the second 2022 customer release which is in the month of April, 2022. Please refer to the 2022 Calendar section.

Gainsight releases are pushed on the following schedule:

  • NXT Major releases: Saturdays between 3 AM — 7 AM UTC

  • NXT Patch releases: Saturdays between 6 AM — 11AM UTC
    Note: Patch releases can be initiated anytime to fix any product defect or issue which is discovered/escalated by our customers. 

  • Hotfixes: due to the urgent nature of hotfixes, they may be released on any day of the week, but usually before 10:30am UTC. Hotfixes occur frequently.

For information on whether the rules engine, data processing or data ingestion queues will be impacted by a given release, please subscribe to status.gainsight.com for updates regarding our US region, or eu-status.gainsight.com for our EU region.

2021-2022 Six-Week Release Calendar

Release version EU Release Date US Release date
6.30 Sat, Dec 11, 2021 Sat, Dec 18, 2021
6.31* Sat, Jan 29, 2022 Sat, Feb 05, 2022
* Jan/Feb 2022 release date has been pushed back by a week. The date is now updated.

2022 Quarterly Release Calendar NEW

The following schedule may have slight changes to dates and release versions as the year progresses.

Release Version  EU Release Date US Release Date
6.32 Sat, Apr 23, 2022 Sat, Apr 30, 2022
6.33 Sat, Jul 23, 2022 Sat, Jul 30, 2022
6.34 Sat, Oct 22, 2022 Sat, Oct 29, 2022
6.35 Sat, Jan 21, 2023 Sat, Jan 28, 2023

Automatic NXT Upgrades

It’s not possible to opt-out of NXT upgrades.

Major upgrades on the NXT require Gainsight to pause processing the scheduled backend requests (Ex: Rules execution, data load jobs, or Journey Orchestrator emails) for 2 - 4 hours typically. During this time, the Gainsight application is still accessible and can read and present data in Reports, Scorecards, and Dashboards. We announce scheduled NXT releases in advance at http://status.gainsight.com, and you can “Subscribe to updates” to receive email or SMS notifications. Occasionally, we apply hotfixes/emergency fixes on NXT.


  • Three to four weeks prior to the production release, we will communicate with all Admins, Adoption Champions, Executive Sponsors, etc., with a detailed summary of the upcoming features via head’s up engagements and/or emails.
    Note: This will go into effect with the April customer release.

  • On the day of the Production org upgrade, we post an in-app message on the Admin page and send an email to admins announcing the upgrade and sharing the links to new support articles and our finalized release notes.
    Note: Release Notes document covers all of the new features, enhancements introduced and escalations resolved in the release.

  • Every patch release is accompanied by a Patch Release Notes document [example] that contains the information about the product fixes. 

  • In-app engagements are launched when impactful changes are implemented in the application. This helps the user understand the new features and how to get the most value out of it.
    Note: Sometimes such engagements are launched before the actual implementation takes place to keep our users well informed about the upcoming changes; so that they get adequate time to prepare.

Product Roadmap & Feedback

At any time, you can submit product feedback through Gainsight’s Community. Our product team frequently reviews and comments on customer questions and suggestions. You can also vote for other member’s ideas, and our team will take this into consideration when prioritizing enhancements.

About once per quarter, our product leadership holds a roadmap webinar for customers where we share Gainsight’s CS product development plans. Webinar invitations are typically sent 2 to 3 weeks in advance.

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